Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Meditation is settling oneself down to complete stillness and trusting the natural intelligence to do its work while we witness alertly in the present moment without interference from mind. No judgmental thoughts, no analyzing, no self-dialog or mind chatter.

Simply rest with a straight spine and bring forth that state of deep sleep up while we are awake in full awareness without any desire, choice, motive, … just living, heart just beating, lungs just breathing. No tension, letting go, surrendering layer upon layers of illusions, misconceptions, ideas … etc. Pure emptiness is the state we want to reach. In the emptiness and void we experience “death” or a “re-birthing” while going through the dark nights our souls. We face our fears and woes gently and see through its meaning and lessons. Witnessing it until they dissolve to equanimity.

It just like sleeping wakefully. Or wakeful sleeping whichever you want to call it. It heals, rejuvenates and in shorter mini-meditative modes I blink that little bit longer so as to remind myself to rest in the very moment with all its pure potentiality and intelligence. I surrender and trust in the existence and life of the here and now.

I don’t interfere with nature. Its course of work, its synchronicity of events, causes and conditions and simple we. I know I love myself. We know we love ourselves ultimately and trust that we do to ourselves no harm. In the same way, this universe does no harm to us even if it means a passing of forms (death).

I become meditation. I no longer exist when I meditate. Presence exists – selfless presence. The witnessing presence without any borders or limitations. The drop of rain has join the immense ocean.